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Study in Germany

A gateway to the future

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I. Overview

When it comes to quality education and advanced technology, Germany is an indispensable name. With over 400 universities and research institutions, Germany welcomed nearly 400,000 international students in 2021, according to statistics from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).

Germany is the fifth-largest country in Europe, bordering countries like Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. With a pivotal economy in the European Union, Germany is evaluated as one of the countries with high employment rates and career opportunities for its citizens. Germany’s higher education system attracts international students due to its quality education and scholarship or tuition-free education.

In 2016, the World Economic Forum voted Germany as the best country for young people. Beyond an exciting life, Germany is famous for its robust education system, attracting international students from around the world. According to UNESCO, Germany ranks 4th among countries with the highest number of international students in 2020. According to the Institute of International Education, there were over 324,000 international students studying in Germany in the most culturally diverse environment in Europe.

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2. Advantages of Studying in Germany

  • Advanced education focusing on fields like technology, science, engineering, economics, medicine, culture, and arts.
  • Low tuition fees and reasonable living costs.
  • Possibility to work part-time and stay for up to 18 months after studies.
  • High quality of life.
  • Diverse higher education system, depending on students’ research or application orientation.

3. Limitations of Studying in Germany

  • Language barrier: Despite many university programs in Germany taught in English, daily communication and adaptation to life require you to know German to a certain extent.
  • Culture and people: Germans respect privacy and discipline, making it difficult for many Vietnamese people to feel different or struggle to integrate.
  • Weather: With freezing winter, adapting to Germany’s weather can be a challenge.
  • With its rich history and advanced vision, this is the ideal place for you to expand knowledge and skills. Facing difficulties is an opportunity for you to become the best version of yourself. Don’t miss this excellent opportunity; choose Germany to write a new chapter in your life!

If you are interested in studying in Germany and scholarship programs, contact now!

HOTLINE: 0388 79 22 55

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